programs / works

〈Current and Upcoming Programs〉

Exhibition / Performance
Tomoko Mukai / Sachiko Nagata


Pavilion “Labyrinth”, Museum Insel Hombroich, Neuss, Germany

How do we situate ourselves in nature?
Isn’t nature always also a human construction?
These questions are particularly relevant in the artificial idyll of Museum Insel Hombroich.
The Kiwa Project by Tomoko Mukai explores the relationship between human-made environments and nature,
creating an immersive experiential environment within the Labyrinth.
On two weekends, there will be a performance by the artist Sachiko Nagata.

Wie situieren wir uns in der Natur?
Ist Natur nicht immer auch eine menschliche Konstruktion?
Diese Fragen stellen sich besonders in der künstlichen Idylle des Museums Insel Hombroich.
Das Kiwa-Projekt von Tomoko Mukai erforscht die Grenzen zwischen menschengemachten Umfeldern
und der Natur und schafft dafür im Labyrinth eine installative Erfahrungsumgebung.
An den Wochenenden findet eine Performance der Künstlerin Sachiko Nagata statt.

August 24. – September 1., 2024Exhibition “Kiwa”Pavilion “Labyrinth”
Museum Insel Hombroich, Neuss, Germany
10:00 – 19:00
August 24., 25., 30., 31., 2024Hamon Percussion PerformancePavilion “Labyrinth”
Museum Insel Hombroich, Neuss, Germany
14:00 –

Performance in the installation
September 1., 2024PerformanceSachiko Nagata (Hamon Percussion Performance)
Gustavo Gomes (Bodily Performance)

Pavilion “Labyrinth”
Museum Insel Hombroich, Neuss, Germany
14:00 –

Performance in the installation

〈Past Programs〉

Schedule 2022-2023

Exhibition “Exhaling from the Kiwa”

consists of a panorama projection and an installation are composed in two locations within the precincts of Tochoji Temple.
The panorama projection consists of cityscapes and riverbeds photographed with different long-exposure times in the dark.
The installation consists of fragmental texts derived from dialogue and thoughts in the fieldwork
and stones collected by shooting as an installation at the urban water’s edge.

March 3(Fri)〜March 5(Sun), 2023Exhibition
“Exhaling from the Kiwa”
March 3 (Fri) – 5 (Sun), 2023
Bunyukaku〈Auditorium〉 Soto Zen Tochoji Temple
March 3(Fri)13:00~18:30|March 4(Sat)・5(Sun)13:00~20:30
Mizunoniwa〈Water Garden〉Soto Zen Tochoji Temple
March3(Fri)13:00~20:30|March 4(Sat)・5(Sun)9:00~20:30

Akihide Saito(Panorama Projection)
Tomoko Mukai(Plan and Concept/Text)
Takashi Suzuki(Spatial Design)

Requests for visitors
*Please take off your shoes when entering the outdoor corridor of the Water Garden
and the Auditorium of the Bunyukaku Building of Tochoji Temple.
*Please be considerate of the general visitors to the temple when you go around the exhibition.
March 3(Fri), 2023Public Talk
“Exhaling from the Kiwa”
Tomoko Mukai(Designer and artist for spatial projection)
Akihide Saito(Photographer/Videographer)
Takashi Suzuki(Architect)

March 3(Fri)19:00〜20:30
Bunyukaku〈Auditorium〉 Soto Zen Tochoji Temple

*Capacity 15 people (free) (please register via peatix).
*The content may be subject to change or cancellation due to the status of the spread of COVID-19.
*Please check the website before coming.


〈  Past Events 〉

July 20, Tue. –
August 18, Wed.
Audio Visual Performance Touching Kiwa”|Co-creation of the Panorama Projection and Hamon Performance
Recorded Performance Streaming of the whole performance
Details of the Event

Online Streaming
*The full Hamon performance (40 minutes) can only be viewed online.
August 19, Thu.Audio Visual Installation Touching Kiwa”|
Audio Visual installation with panorama projection and recorded Hamon sounds
Details of the Event

Auditorium, Bunyukaku, Soto Zen Tochoji Temple |Viewing at the Venue
August 20, Fri. Public Talk “KIWA Dialogue”|
Details of the Event

13:00 – 15:00 |Online Live Streaming
Speaker on site|Takashi Serizawa|Tomoko Mukai|Yuri Yoshida
Video Appearance|Dr Junji Watanabe | Prof. Dr Sven Hirsch|Dr Clea T. Waite
*In case of stormy weather, the performance “At the Kiwa” and public talk will be postponed to August 26, Thursday.
August 20, Fri. Audio Visual Performance At the Kiwa”|Co-creation of the Public Projection and Hamon Performance
Details of the Event

Mizunoniwa〈Water Garden〉Soto Zen Tochoji Temple|Viewing at the Venue /Online Live Streaming
19:00 -19:40 ( The door opens at 18:40)
*In case of stormy weather, the performance and public talk will be postponed to August 26, Thursday.
August 20, Fri. Audio Visual Performance At the Kiwa”|Co-creation of the Public Projection and Hamon Performance
Details of the Event

Mizunoniwa〈Water Garden〉Soto Zen Tochoji Temple|Viewing at the Venue
20:30 -21:10 (The door opens at 20:10)
*In case of stormy weather, the performance and public talk will be postponed to August 26, Thursday.
August 21, Sat.Audio Visual Performance Touching Kiwa”|Co-creation of the Panorama Projection and Hamon Performance
Audio visual installation with panorama projection and recorded Hamon sounds + Hamon live performance
Details of the Event

Auditorium, Bunyukaku, Soto Zen Tochoji Temple |Viewing at the venue
*There are two types of sessions in this event: one is an installation only, and the other is with a Hamon live performance.
*The installation with live performance will be held in sessions ◆②④⑥, and the live performance will last about 20 minutes out of 40 minutes.
August 22, Sun.Audio Visual Performance Touching Kiwa”|Co-creation of the Panorama Projection and Hamon Performance
Audio visual installation with panorama projection and recorded Hamon sounds + Hamon live performance
Details of the Event

Auditorium, Bunyukaku, Soto Zen Tochoji Temple |Viewing at the Venue
*There are two types of sessions in this event: one is an installation only, and the other is with a Hamon live performance.
*The installation with live performance will be held in sessions ◆②④⑥, and the live performance will last about 20 minutes out of 40 minutes.
August 21, Sat. –
September 5, Sun.
Audio Visual Performance At the Kiwa” and Public Talk “KIWA Dialogue”
Details of the Event

Recorded Video Streaming