KIWA project
KIWA Project KIWA Project aims to create platforms for creation and dialogue through observing the relationships between urban images and “constructed nature” overall the world from the Japanese perspective of “Fudo (climate)”. It emphasizes coming...
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programs / works
〈Current and Upcoming Programs〉 Exhibition / PerformanceTomoko Mukai / Sachiko Nagata Kiwa Pavilion “Labyrinth”, Museum Insel Hombroich, Neuss, Germany How do we situate ourselves in nature?Isn’t nature always also a human construction?These questions are particularly...
Read more "programs / works"


Exhibition / Performance
Tomoko Mukai / Sachiko Nagata


Pavilion “Labyrinth”, Museum Insel Hombroich, Neuss, Germany

August 24. – September 1., 2024
10:00 – 19:00

Hamon Percussion Performance
August 24., 25., 30., 31., 2024
14:00 – 

Sachiko Nagata (Hamon Percussion) and Gustavo Gomes (Bodily Performance)
September 1., 2024
14:00 – 

How do we situate ourselves in nature?
Isn’t nature always also a human construction?
These questions are particularly relevant in the artificial idyll of Museum Insel Hombroich.
The Kiwa Project by Tomoko Mukai explores the relationship between human-made environments and nature,
creating an immersive experiential environment within the Labyrinth.
On two weekends, there will be a performance by the artist Sachiko Nagata.

Wie situieren wir uns in der Natur?
Ist Natur nicht immer auch eine menschliche Konstruktion?
Diese Fragen stellen sich besonders in der künstlichen Idylle des Museums Insel Hombroich.
Das Kiwa-Projekt von Tomoko Mukai erforscht die Grenzen zwischen menschengemachten Umfeldern
und der Natur und schafft dafür im Labyrinth eine installative Erfahrungsumgebung.
An den Wochenenden findet eine Performance der Künstlerin Sachiko Nagata statt.



Exhaling from the Kiwa

A panorama projection and an installation are composed in two locations within the precincts of Tochoji Temple.
The panorama projection consists of cityscapes and riverbeds photographed with different long-exposure times in the dark.
The installation consists of fragmental texts derived from dialogue and thoughts in the fieldwork and stones collected by shooting as an installation at the urban water’s edge.
This exhibition will be shown to the public for three days only as if it were an accumulation of soil flowing from upstream.


Past Events

At the Kiwa

Co-creation between
Public Projection and Hamon Performance


Borrowed landscapes of skyscrapers and public projection
Hamon sounds harmonize with urban environmental sounds and digital soundscape.

A journey at the edge of water in the urban life.

Mizunoniwa〈Water Garden〉Soto Zen Tochoji Temple

August 20, Friday, 2021

(occasional date | August 26, Thursday, 2021)

Details of the event

Touching Kiwa

Co-creation between
Panorama Projection and Hamon Performance


Encountering distant nature,
as if travelling between
real and imaginary landscapes.

Auditorium, Bunyukaku, Soto Zen Tochoji Temple

August, 19, 21, 22, 2021


Details of the event


July 20, Tue. –
August 18, Wed.
Audio Visual Performance Touching Kiwa”|Co-creation of the Panorama Projection and Hamon Performance
Recorded Performance Streaming of the whole performance
Details of the Event

Online Streaming
*The full Hamon performance (40 minutes) can only be viewed online.
August 19, Thu.Audio Visual Installation Touching Kiwa”|
Audio Visual installation with panorama projection and recorded Hamon sounds
Details of the Event

Auditorium, Bunyukaku, Soto Zen Tochoji Temple |Viewing at the Venue
August 20, Fri. Public Talk “KIWA Dialogue”|
Details of the Event

13:00 – 15:00 |Online Live Streaming
Speaker on site|Takashi Serizawa|Tomoko Mukai|Yuri Yoshida
Video Appearance|Dr Junji Watanabe | Prof. Dr Sven Hirsch|Dr Clea T. Waite
*In case of stormy weather, the performance “At the Kiwa” and public talk will be postponed to August 26, Thursday.
August 20, Fri. Audio Visual Performance At the Kiwa”|Co-creation of the Public Projection and Hamon Performance
Details of the Event

Mizunoniwa〈Water Garden〉Soto Zen Tochoji Temple|Viewing at the Venue /Online Live Streaming
19:00 -19:40 ( The door opens at 18:40)
*In case of stormy weather, the performance and public talk will be postponed to August 26, Thursday.
August 20, Fri. Audio Visual Performance At the Kiwa”|Co-creation of the Public Projection and Hamon Performance
Details of the Event

Mizunoniwa〈Water Garden〉Soto Zen Tochoji Temple|Viewing at the Venue
20:30 -21:10 (The door opens at 20:10)
*In case of stormy weather, the performance and public talk will be postponed to August 26, Thursday.
August 21, Sat.Audio Visual Performance Touching Kiwa”|Co-creation of the Panorama Projection and Hamon Performance
Audio visual installation with panorama projection and recorded Hamon sounds + Hamon live performance
Details of the Event

Auditorium, Bunyukaku, Soto Zen Tochoji Temple |Viewing at the venue
*There are two types of sessions in this event: one is an installation only, and the other is with a Hamon live performance.
*The installation with live performance will be held in sessions ◆②④⑥, and the live performance will last about 20 minutes out of 40 minutes.
August 22, Sun.Audio Visual Performance Touching Kiwa”|Co-creation of the Panorama Projection and Hamon Performance
Audio visual installation with panorama projection and recorded Hamon sounds + Hamon live performance
Details of the Event

Auditorium, Bunyukaku, Soto Zen Tochoji Temple |Viewing at the Venue
*There are two types of sessions in this event: one is an installation only, and the other is with a Hamon live performance.
*The installation with live performance will be held in sessions ◆②④⑥, and the live performance will last about 20 minutes out of 40 minutes.
August 21, Sat. –
September 5, Sun.
Audio Visual Performance At the Kiwa” and Public Talk “KIWA Dialogue”
Details of the Event

Recorded Video Streaming

Postponement of the audio-visual performance “At the KIWA”
due to
the spread of new coronavirus infections


Thank you for your reservation for the audio-visual performance “At the KIWA”.

Due to the spread of new coronavirus infections,
we decided to postpone this event scheduled on August 22 (Sat.) again.

We have been notified that Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL (TTF) will also be extended to September 5, 2021
due to postponement of the Olympic and Paralympic Games to 2021.

New schedules for programs of the Kiwa Project will be determined according to the future situation
in the extended period of Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL (TTF) . 

The details will be announced on the website again

Thank you for your understanding.

■ Ticket Refund
At this time, since the postponement date has not been determined,
we will refund tickets for the audio-visual performance “At the Kiwa”. 

The secretariat of Executive Committee will announce about the refund procedure
ndividually via peatix message in the next few days.

We are also preparing a complete program,
and we will announce the event information including these details,
on our website as needed.

Please note to check it.


If you have any other questions, please contact us via e-mail. 

We apologize for any inconvenience,
however, we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


April 6, 2020
Kiwa Project Executive Committee


Postponement of the audio-visual performance “At the KIWA”
due to
the spread of new coronavirus infections


Thank you for your reservation for the audio-visual performance  “At the KIWA”.

Due to the spread of new coronavirus infections,
we decided to postpone this event scheduled on March 28 (Sat.).
We will reschedule it on August 22 (Sat.).

Dates and programs may be changed again depending on future social situations.
Thank you for your understanding

Reserved seats will be kept for the postponed date of August 22.
If you cannot come to the postponed date,
the refund procedure will be available until March 27 (Fri.). 

The new reservation will be available on the peatix page from May 1st.

The inclusive picnic will be rescheduled on the weekend of July 24 (Fri)-26 (Sun).
We are also preparing a more complete program,
and we will announce the event information including these details,
on our website as needed.
Please note to check it.

If you have any other questions, please contact us via e-mail.

We apologize for any inconvenience,
but we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


Kiwa Project Executive Committee

Cancellation and postponement of the 1st Inclusive Picnic “Touch the KIWA”
due to
the spread of new coronavirus infections


Thank you for your reservation for the 1st Inclusive Picnic “Touch the KIWA”.

Due to the spread of new coronavirus infections,
we decided to cancel this event scheduled on February 29 and postpone it.
We will also organize a refund procedure.

We will adjust to reschedule this event after April
and announce the new schedule of related events around the middle of March again. 

At the moment, we will hold an audio-visual performance “At the KIWA” on March 28 as it is.
The latest information will be updated on the website from time to time.
Please note to check it.

If you have any other questions, please contact us via e-mail.

We apologize for any inconvenience,
but we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


Kiwa Project Executive Committee



Audio-Visual Performance

“at the KIWA”

KIWA ni Tatsu / きわにたつ


KIWA is not only a spatial edge and boundary

but also an extreme and limited instantaneous moment

by a metamorphosis, transformation and change of things.



Tomoko Mukai

Creative Director / Spatial Projection

Sachiko Nagata

Percussionist and Improvisor / Muscial Performance


“At the KIWA” (KIWA ni Tatsu / きわにたつ)” is an audio-visual performance in co-operation with Tomoko Mukai and Sachiko Nagata. Tomoko Mukai engages with spatial projection (public projection) through computer-generated optical landscapes and has presented them at various kinds of sites as cultural and historical hubs in local communities. Sachiko Nagata as a percussionist and improvisator has struggled with experimental music with unique musical instruments like iron slit drums “Hamon” and others. Mukai’s projection and Nagata’s improvisatorial musical performance co-create a boundary space between “images and surrounding environment/music and surrounding environment”. The projection integrates with the view of skyscrapers like a “Shakkei (borrowed scenery)” at the Japanese garden and the musical performance harmonizes with surrounding sounds of the city. This co-creation generates an experimental place for thought at the Tochoji Temple in Shinjuku, Tokyo as one of the most significant central areas of the metropolis.

After the performance, a public talk will be held with Takashi Serizawa as the executive director of P3 art and environment and Prof. Dr Sven Hirsch of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) , who is also the science curator at the Museum Insel Hombroich in Germany.




New schedules will be announced according to the future situation
in the extended period of Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL (TTF) . 

Date| Saturday, 28 March, 2020
Time|19:30- 21:30 (open 19:00)
Duration|perfomance 19:30-20:30, public talk 20:45-21:30

*In case of rain, the performance at “Garden of Water” will be postponed to Friday, April 3rd.
Only for visitors booking public talk,
the public talk with a mini live (no extra charge!) will take place at Bunyukaku of Tochoji on March 28.
The schedule will be posted the schedule by 13:00 on that day, so please check the website on the day.





Location|“Mizu no Niwa (outdoor corridor at the Garden of Water)” at the Tochoji Temple
Address|4-34 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Access|7 min. from the exit “Okidomon”, Shinjuku Gyoen Station, Tokyo Metro Marunouchi line







 Japanese and English (consecutive interpretation)

Moderator | Tomoko Mukai

Takashi Serizawa

the Executive Director of P3 art and environment / Director Design Creative Center Kobe〈KIITO〉

Prof. Dr Sven Hirsch

Professor of Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)  /  Science Curator at the Museum Insel Hombroich


After the performance, a public talk will be held with Takashi Serizawa as a guest speaker and Prof. Dr Sven Hirsch as a member of KIWA project. Takashi Serizawa opened an alternative space named the P3 art and environment at Tochojhi Temple in 1989, who organized and curated interdisciplinary exhibitions and cultural programs from art and science at this museum based on the auditorium of this Zen temple in Shinjuku until the end of the 1990s. Since then, he has been developing and curating various kinds of art and environment-related projects without specifying the location. Prof. Dr Sven Hirsh is a science curator at the Museum Insel Hombroich in Germany, which was opened to the public under the motto of “Art in parallel to Nature” in 1987. At the public talk, they will engage in dialogue under the theme “How can human-beings face nature and technology from the perspective of art and science each other today?”





Adult (side seats)| advance ticket 3,300 yen / day-ticket 4,000 yen

University students|advance ticket (front) 3,500 yen sold out / (side) 3,000 yen

Elementary, junior, and high school students|advance (front) 2,800 yen sold out / (side) 2,300 yen


* No discount of the day-ticket for elementary, junior, high school students and university students.
* Please not, the reservation for the talk event (free) only is not accepted. 
* If you wish to participate in the talk event, please purchase a “talk event ticket (free)”, when you make a reservation.

All “talk event tickets (free)” are booked.
In response to request, we will inclease 20 more seats for the talk event,
only when the performance can be held at “the Garden of Water” on on Saturday, March 28.
From February 16, we will accept reseravations for 20 seats
in the order of arrival via booking “talk event ticket (free) for extra seats” on peatix.
If you will participate in the talk event, please book it viavia peatix.
Please note, if it would rain and the performance is postponed,
we cannot inclease seats for the talk event at Bunyukaku.
Thank you for your understanding in advance.

* After purchasing tickets, we will not be able to refund your money and make any cancellation.
However, you can “transfer tickets” to your friends on peatix. Please use it in that case.
* There are some side seats with obstructed view.
* Non-reserved seating in each category. Please take a seat in your reserved seat category.





Audio-Visual performance|150 people
Talk event (main hall)|
70 people (in the order of reservation)


*In case of stormy weather, it will be postponed to Friday, April 3rd. Please check the website on the day.
* There is no parking space in the venue. Please use public transportation.
* Since the audiovisual performance will be held in the outdoor corridor, please take measures against the cold on your own.
* Seats will be setup in the corridor. Please take off your shoes at the entrance.
* If you plan to visit with a wheelchair or guide dog, please contact with the Executive Committee in advance for the smooth guidance.






Audio Visual Performance

“at the KIWA”

KIWA ni Tatsu / きわにたつ


Creative Direction and Spatial Projection|Tomoko Mukai,  Musical Performance|Sachiko Nagata

Art Direction|Yuri Yoshida,  Videography|Takuma Kamaishi,  Photography|Taisuke Yajima

Technical Direction|Shiro Yamamoto,  Sound Engeering|Maya Araki

Stage Management|Yoshie Tahira,  Production Management and editing|Minori Shimazaki



Planed and organized byThe Executive Committee of KIWA Project

In cooperation with Tochoji Temple, Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center,  Kitakyushu Citizens Solar Farm,
Hibikinada Biotope, NS Wind Power Hibiki Co.,Ltd.

Supported byArts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture